How to Get Ready for Australian Citizenship Test

How to Get Ready for Australian Citizenship Test

In recent decades, hundreds of immigrants migrated to Australia with a dream to call this place home. In fact, many people are still migrating from different parts of the world. Australia is a beautiful and peaceful country with an awe-inspiring landscape. The country has also been able to maintain harmony among people. Australia offers various opportunities in healthcare, free quality education, and job hunting because of its stabilized economy.

Settling in Australia takes time as you need to fulfil certain eligibility criteria. Many people become Permanent Residents as it gives more freedom and opens various doors. After the status of PR, people usually apply for the Australian Citizenship Test. As a Citizen, you get more freedom e.g. right to vote, the right to apply in armed forces, etc.

Taking the Australian Citizenship Test is the last step. If you pass it, then the government will invite you to attend the Citizenship Ceremony.

Now the question is how to get ready for the Australian Citizenship Test as the exam is challenging. In this guide, we will share the insight of those Candidates who already passed the exam.

Understand The Test Pattern

The Australian Citizenship Test isn’t easy. There will be 20 MCQs covering various topics including Australian values, culture, responsibility of citizens, geography, legal bodies, democracy, laws etc. Keep in mind that you will encounter 5 questions related to Australian Values which you have to answer correctly. The total number of questions that you have to answer accurately is 15. The exam is computer-based and you have 45 minutes to complete the test.

You can easily manage your time if you are prepared well enough. This will allow you to answer easy MCQs in the beginning, leaving challenging questions for the end. This way you will have ample time to solve complicated questions that need more time.

Preparation is The Key

You can use different resources to prepare for the exam. It is recommended only to focus on Australian Citizenship: Our Common​​ Bond booklet that is available on the official government website. This guide is comprehensive and covers all the syllabus that you have to prepare for the exam. Avoid rote memorization as it won’t help you. The test is conceptual so studying in depth is important. Many people prefer passive learning. In that case, you can also have access to the book’s audio version.

Divide Chapters Into Chunks

Dividing chapters into subtopics when preparing for an exam can be an effective study strategy. Breaking down chapters into smaller subtopics makes your study material more organized and manageable. It's easier to handle and study smaller sections at a time. Reading small chapters can also increase your focus, leading you to retain the information for a longer duration of time.

A deeper understanding of subtopics and better retention of information can lead to improved test performance. Covering small topics every day can reduce procrastination and motivate you to study more.

Make Notes

Whenever you learn a topic within chapters, try to summarize it in your own words and make notes. You can also highlight the important facts, figures or historical dates. When it's time for revision before the exam, you can revisit individual summarized topics, without having to go through an entire chapter. This can save you time and make your revision more effective.

Make Flash Cards

When you study the guidebook, you will encounter easy topics and challenging topics. There are also many contents like learning historical dates, important people, places etc that you forget after some time. To avoid this, make flashcards and at the end of the day, try to go through a few of them. This can enhance your learning.

Quiz Yourself

Whenever you study from the guide, try to write questions in your notebook that you think are important. At the end of each chapter, answer those questions. This will let you know your weak areas and what have you missed in the chapter during memorization. Doing this with every chapter will give you a collective idea of how much you know about Australia.

Collaborative Learning or Group Study

Collaborative learning with your study buddy can enhance your critical thinking. You are also able to engage in a discussion where you will get insight into the specific topic in detail. The combination of ideas and perspectives from different individuals can reinforce learning.

Practical Benefits of Mock Test

If mock tests are free, then why not take them before the exam? Austrian CItizenship Mock Tests have a similar pattern of questions that candidates encounter in an actual exam. If you give all your undivided attention to the mock quiz and try to solve it in one setting, you will learn how to manage your time more effectively.

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